39. Live Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are available for many common actions and commands in Live.

39.1 Showing and Hiding Views

Toggle Full Screen ModeF11CtrlCmdF
Toggle Second WindowCtrlShiftWCmdShiftW
Toggle Session/Arrangement ViewTabTab
Toggle Between Device/Clip ViewShiftTab or F12ShiftTab or F12
Toggle Device and Clip ViewAlt click view toggleOption click view toggle
Toggle Hot-Swap ModeQQ
Toggle Drum Rack/Last Selected PadDD
Hide/Show Info ViewShift?Shift?
Hide/Show Video WindowCtrlAltVCmdOptionV
Hide/Show BrowserCtrlOptionB or CtrlAlt5CmdOptionB or CmdOption5
Hide/Show OverviewCtrlAltOCmdOptionO
Hide/Show In/OutCtrlAltICmdOptionI
Hide/Show SendsCtrlAltSCmdOptionS
Hide/Show MixerCtrlAltMCmdOptionM
Hide/Show Clip ViewCtrlAlt3CmdOption3
Hide/Show Device ViewCtrlAlt4CmdOption4
Hide/Show the Groove PoolCtrlAlt6CmdOption6
Open the SettingsCtrl,Cmd,
Close Window/DialogEscEsc

39.2 Keyboard Focus and Navigation

Move Focus to the Control BarAlt0Option0
Move Focus to the Session ViewAlt1Option1
Move Focus to the Arrangement ViewAlt2Option2
Move Focus to the Clip ViewAlt3Option3
Move Focus to the Device ViewAlt4Option4
Move Focus to the BrowserAlt5Option5
Move Focus to the Groove PoolAlt6Option6
Move Focus to the Help ViewAlt7Option7
Move Focus to the Selected Clip PanelAlt8Option8
Move Focus to the Clip PanelsAltShiftPOptionShiftP

The following shortcuts are available when the Use Tab to Move Focus command is enabled via Live’s Settings or the Navigate menu.

Move to Next Focusable ControlTabTab
Move to Previous Focusable ControlShiftTabShiftTab
Move to Next Neighbor of Current ControlCtrlTabOptionTab
Move to Previous Neighbor of Current ControlCtrlShiftTabOptionShiftTab

39.3 Working with Sets and the Program

New Live SetCtrlNCmdN
Open Live SetCtrlOCmdO
Save Live SetCtrlSCmdS
Save Live Set As…CtrlShiftSCmdShiftS
Quit LiveCtrlQCmdQ
Hide LiveCmdH
Export Audio/VideoCtrlShiftRCmdShiftR
Export MIDI FileCtrlShiftECmdShiftE

39.4 Working with Devices and Plug-Ins

Group DevicesCtrlGCmdG
Ungroup DevicesCtrlShiftGCmdShiftG
Activate/Deactivate All Devices in GroupHold Alt and click on device activatorHold Option and click on device activator
Add Device(s) to SelectionShift clickShift click
See List of Devices on a Trackright-click on Device View selectorright-click on Device View selector
Reset Parameter ValueDelete or double-clickDelete or double-click
Load Selected Device from BrowserEnterEnter
Hot-Swap Selected DeviceQQ
Show/Hide Plug-In WindowCtrlAltPCmdOptionP
Open Multiple Windows with Show/Hide Plug-In Window ButtonCtrlCmd

39.5 Editing

Select AllCtrlACmdA
Select Multiple ItemsCtrl clickCmd click
Select Multiple Items by First and Last ItemShift clickShift click
Move to Next Track/Scene When RenamingTabTab
Ignore Grid Quantization When DraggingAltCmd

Some of the above editing shortcuts can also be applied to the following items by using the listed modifier key:

Clips and Slots Across All TracksShiftShift
Time Across All TracksShiftShift
The Selected Part of the EnvelopeAltOption

39.6 Adjusting Values

Decrement/Incrementup and down arrow keysup and down arrow keys
Decrement/Increment in Octaves or Fine AdjustmentsShift up and down arrow keysShift up and down arrow keys
Finer Resolution When DraggingShiftShift
Return to DefaultDeleteDelete
Type In Value0909
Go to Next Field (Bar/Beat/16th).,.,
Cancel Value EntryEscEsc
Confirm Value EntryEnterEnter

39.7 Commands for Breakpoint Envelopes

Toggle Automation ModeAA
Finer Resolution When DraggingShiftShift
Create Curved Automation SegmentAltOption
Momentarily Toggle Fade ControlsFF
Delete Selected Breakpoint EnvelopeCtrlDeleteCmdDelete
Ignore Grid Quantization When DraggingAltCmd

39.8 Loop Brace and Start/End Markers

Set Start MarkerCtrlF9CmdF9
Set Loop Brace StartCtrlF10CmdF10
Set Loop Brace EndCtrlF11CmdF11
Set End MarkerCtrlF12CmdF12

The loop brace or start/end markers must first be selected before any of the following shortcuts can be applied.

Move Start Marker to PositionCtrl clickCmd click
Move End Marker to PositionCtrlShift clickCmdShift click
Nudge Loop Brace Left/Rightright and left arrow keysright and left arrow keys
Move Loop by Loop Lengthup and down arrow keysup and down arrow keys
Halve/Double Loop LengthCtrl up and down arrow keysCmd up and down arrow keys
Shorten/Lengthen LoopCtrl right and left arrow keysCmd right and left arrow keys
Select Material in LoopCtrlShiftLCmdShiftL

39.9 Zooming, Display and Selections

Zoom In++
Zoom Out--
Scroll Display to Follow PlaybackCtrlShiftFOptionShiftF
Scroll Left/RightShift scrollShift scroll
Pan Left/Right of SelectionCtrlAltCmdOption
Add Items to a SelectionShift click or dragShift click or drag
Add Adjacent Clips/Tracks/Scenes to Multi-SelectionShift clickShift click
Add Nonadjacent Clips/Tracks/Scenes to a Multi-SelectionCtrl clickCmd click

39.10 Clip View Editor View Modes

Switch Between Sample/Envelopes TabsAltTabOptionTab
Switch Between Notes/Envelopes/MPE TabsAltTabOptionTab

39.11 Clip View Sample Editor

Quantize Settings…CtrlShiftUCmdShiftU
Move Selected Warp Markerright and left arrow keysright and left arrow keys
Select Warp MarkerCtrl right and left arrow keysCmd right and left arrow keys
Scroll Display to Follow PlaybackCtrlShiftFOptionShiftF
Move Clip Region with Start MarkerShift right and left arrow keysShift right and left arrow keys
Zoom to Clip SelectionZZ
Zoom Back from Clip SelectionXX
Insert Warp MarkerCtrlICmdI
Delete Warp MarkerDeleteDelete
Insert TransientCtrlShiftICmdShiftI
Delete TransientCtrlShiftDeleteCmdShiftDelete
Fit Content to View WidthWW
Fit Content to View HeightHH

39.12 Clip View MIDI Note Editor

Select All NotesCtrlACmdA
Copy NotesCtrl dragOption drag
Chop Notes on GridCtrlECmdE
Split/Chop NotesECtrl dragEOption drag
Join NotesCtrlJCmdJ
Fit Notes to Time RangeCtrlAltJCmdOptionJ
Fit Content to View WidthWW
Fit Content to View HeightHH
Quantize Settings…CtrlShiftUCmdShiftU
Scroll Editor VerticallyPage Up/Down keysPage Up/Down keys
Scroll Editor HorizontallyCtrl Page Up/Down keysShift Page Up/Down keys
Change Velocity from MIDI Note EditorAlt dragCmd drag
Move Insert Marker to BeginningHomeHome or Function left arrow key
Move Insert Marker to EndEndEnd or Function right arrow
Select Next/Previous NoteAlt up and down arrow keysOption up and down arrow keys
Select Next/Previous Note in Same Key TrackAlt left and right arrow keysOption left and right arrow keys
Scroll Display to Follow PlaybackCtrlShiftFOptionShiftF
Move Clip Region with Start MarkerShift right and left arrow keysShift right and left arrow keys
Zoom to Clip SelectionZZ
Zoom Back from Clip SelectionXX
Zoom In/Out Horizontally+-+-
Set Note Selection VelocityType a value between 0-127 and press EnterType a value between 0-127 and press Enter
Adjust Note Selection VelocityCtrl up and down arrow keysCmd up and down arrow keys
Adjust Note Selection Velocity DeviationCtrlShift up and down arrow keysCmdShift up and down arrow keys
Adjust Note Selection ChanceCtrlAlt up and down arrow keysCmdOption up and down arrow keys
Toggle Full-Size Clip ViewCtrlAltECmdOptionE
Group Notes (Play All)CtrlGCmdG
Ungroup NotesCtrlShiftGCmdShiftG
Apply Current MIDI Tool SettingsCtrlEnterCmdEnter
Invert Note SelectionCtrlShiftACmdShiftA
Highlight ScaleKK

39.13 Grid Snapping and Drawing

Toggle Draw Mode (Pitch Lock Off)BB
Narrow GridCtrl1Cmd1
Widen GridCtrl2Cmd2
Triplet GridCtrl3Cmd3
Snap to GridCtrl4Cmd4
Fixed/Zoom-Adaptive GridCtrl5Cmd5
Bypass Snapping While DraggingAltCmd

39.14 Global Quantization

Sixteenth-Note QuantizationCtrl6Cmd6
Eighth-Note QuantizationCtrl7Cmd7
Quarter-Note QuantizationCtrl8Cmd8
1-Bar QuantizationCtrl9Cmd9
Quantization OffCtrl0Cmd0

39.15 Session View

Launch Selected Clip/SlotEnterEnter
Select Neighboring Clip/Slotarrow keysarrow keys
Select All Clips/SlotsCtrlACmdA
Copy ClipsCtrl dragOption drag
Add/Remove Stop ButtonCtrlECmdE
Stop Clips in Track with Slot SelectionCtrlEnterCmdEnter
Insert MIDI clipCtrlShiftMCmdShiftM
Insert SceneCtrlICmdI
Insert Captured SceneCtrlShiftICmdShiftI
Move Up/Down Between Scenes (One at a Time)up and down arrow keysup and down arrow keys
Move Up/Down Between Scenes (Eight at a Time)Page Up/Down keysPage Up/Down keys
Capture MIDICtrlShiftCCmdShiftC
Record to Session ViewCtrlShiftF9CmdShiftF9
Toggle Follow Actions for Selected ClipsShiftEnterShiftEnter
Create Follow Action ChainCtrlShiftEnterCmdShiftEnter
Move Selected Track Left/RightCtrl left and right arrow keysCmd left and right arrow keys
Move Nonadjacent Scenes Without CollapsingCtrl up and down arrow keysCmd up and down arrow keys
Drop Browser Clips as a SceneCtrlCmd
Deactivate Selected Clip00
Jump to Highlighted Track Title BarEscEsc
Jump to the First Track of the Current SceneHomeHome or Function left arrow key
Jump to the Last Track of the Current SceneEndEnd or Function right arrow key
Jump to the Current Scene from the Last TrackEndEnd or Function right arrow key

39.16 Arrangement View

Split Clip at SelectionCtrlECmdE
Consolidate Selection into ClipCtrlJCmdJ
Crop Selected ClipsCtrlShiftJCmdShiftJ
Resize Clip When Insert Marker is at Clip EdgeEnter left and right arrow keysEnter left and right arrow keys
Slide WaveformShiftAlt dragShiftOption drag
Stretch Warped ClipShift drag in clip title barShift drag in clip title bar
Select Time Within ClipShiftAlt drag in clip title barShiftOption drag in clip title bar
Create Fade/CrossfadeCtrlAltFCmdOptionF
Delete Fades/Crossfades in Selected Clip(s)CtrlAltDeleteCmdOptionDelete
Momentarily Toggle Fade HandlesFF
Toggle Loop BraceCtrlLCmdL
Adjust Loop Brace LengthCtrl left and right arrow keysCmd left and right arrow keys
Select Loop Brace ContentsCtrlShiftLCmdShiftL
Capture MIDICtrlShiftCCmdShiftC
Insert SilenceCtrlICmdI
Cut TimeCtrlShiftXCmdShiftX
Paste TimeCtrlShiftVCmdShiftV
Duplicate TimeCtrlShiftDCmdShiftD
Delete TimeCtrlShiftDeleteCmdShiftDelete
Fold/Unfold Selected TracksU or left and right arrow keysU or left and right arrow keys
Unfold All TracksAltUOptionU
Adjust Height of Selected Tracks/ClipsAlt+ and Alt-Option+ and Option-
Scroll Display to Follow PlaybackCtrlShiftFOptionShiftF
Scroll Display Left/Right of SelectionCtrlAlt dragCmdOption drag
Optimize Arrangement HeightHH
Optimize Arrangement WidthWW
Deactivate Selection00
Nudge Selection Left/Rightright and left arrow keysright and left arrow keys
Reverse Audio Clip SelectionRR
Zoom to Arrangement Time SelectionZZ
Zoom Back from Arrangement Time SelectionXX
Play from Insert Marker in Selected ClipCtrlSpaceOptionSpace
Move Insert Marker to Playhead PositionCtrlShiftSpaceCmdShiftSpace
Jump to Highlighted Track Title BarEscEsc
Move Focus to MixerAltShiftMOptionShiftM

39.17 Comping

Show Take LanesCtrlAltUCmdOptionU
Add Selected Take Lane Area to Main Track LaneEnterEnter
Audition Selected Take LaneTT
Add Take LaneShiftAltTShiftOptionT
Duplicate Selected Take LaneCtrlDCmdD
Replace Main Take Clip with Next/Previous TakeCtrl up and down arrow keysCmd up and down arrow keys

39.18 Commands for Tracks

Insert Audio TrackCtrlTCmdT
Insert MIDI TrackCtrlShiftTCmdShiftT
Insert Return TrackCtrlAltTCmdOptionT
Rename Selected TrackCtrlRCmdR
Go to Next Track When RenamingTabTab
Group Selected TracksCtrlGCmdG
Ungroup TracksCtrlShiftGCmdShiftG
Show Grouped Tracks++
Hide Grouped Tracks--
Move Nonadjacent Tracks Without CollapsingCtrl arrow keysCmd arrow keys
Arm Selected TracksCC
Solo Selected TracksSS
Add Device from BrowserEnterEnter
Deactivate Selected Track00
Freeze/Unfreeze TracksCtrlAltShiftFCmdOptionShiftF

39.19 Transport

Play from Start Marker/StopSpaceSpace
Continue Play from Stop PointShiftSpaceShiftSpace
Stop Playback at End of SelectionCtrlSpaceOptionSpace
Play Arrangement View SelectionSpaceSpace
Move Insert Marker to BeginningHomeHome or Function left arrow key
Arm Recording in Arrangement ViewShiftF9ShiftF9
Record to Session ViewCtrlShiftF9CmdShiftF9
Back to ArrangementF10F10
Activate/Deactivate Track 1…8F1F8F1F8
Toggle MetronomeOO

39.20 Audio Engine

Turn Audio Engine On/OffCtrlAltShiftECmdOptionShiftE

39.21 Browser

Scroll Down/Upup and down arrow keysup and down arrow keys
Hide/Show BrowserCtrlAltBCmdOptionB
Close/Open Foldersright and left arrow keysright and left arrow keys
Load Selected Item from BrowserEnterEnter
Preview Selected FileShiftEnter or right arrow keyShiftEnter or right arrow key
Search in BrowserCtrlFCmdF
Jump to Search Resultsdown arrow key or Enterdown arrow key or Enter
Assign Color(s) to Selected Browser Item(s)1717
Reset Assigned Color(s) for Selected Browser Item(s)00
Show Similar Files Using Similarity SearchCtrlShiftFCmdShiftF
Browser History BackCtrlCmd
Browser History ForwardCtrlCmd

39.22 Similar Sample Swapping

These shortcuts work for Drum Racks, Drum Rack pads, and Simpler.

Swap to Next Similar SampleCtrl right arrowCmd right arrow
Swap to Previous Similar SampleCtrl left arrowCmd left arrow
Save as Similarity ReferenceCtrl up arrowCmd up arrow
Return to ReferenceCtrl down arrowCmd down arrow
Temporarily Toggle Similar Sample Swap Controls in Drum RacksAltOption

39.23 Key/MIDI Map Mode and the Computer MIDI Keyboard

Toggle MIDI Map ModeCtrlMCmdM
Toggle Key Map ModeCtrlKCmdK
Computer MIDI KeyboardMM
Adjust Computer MIDI Keyboard Octave Range Up/DownX and Z keysX and Z keys
Adjust Computer MIDI Keyboard Incoming Note Velocity Up/DownC and V keysC and V keys

When the Computer MIDI Keyboard is enabled, you can play notes and adjust the octave and velocity ranges using the following keys:

The Computer MIDI Keyboard Layout.

Single letter shortcuts can still be used when the Computer MIDI Keyboard is active by adding Shift, e.g., ShiftS to solo a track.

39.24 Momentary Latching Shortcuts

Some shortcuts can be momentarily latched. This means you can hold down the shortcut key and briefly toggle the shortcut action. After releasing the key, Live’s UI will return to its previous state. Momentary latching becomes available after holding down a shortcut key for about 500 ms. The following shortcut keys can be momentarily latched:

  • A toggles Arrangement automation mode
  • B toggles Draw Mode
  • S toggles soloing the selected track
  • Z toggles zooming into the Arrangement selection
  • F1 through F8 toggle the Track Activator switch on and off for the first eight tracks
  • Tab toggles between Arrangement and Session View

If needed, momentary latching can be turned off using the Options.txt entry: -DisableHotKeyLatching

39.25 General Keyboard Navigation and Workflow

You can navigate through most of Live’s menus, views and controls using the computer keyboard.

The Navigate menu in Live’s menu bar contains commands for moving keyboard focus to different areas of the UI, as well as options for using Tab to navigate between controls. Additional navigation commands can also be found in the Display & Input Settings.

39.25.1 Using Tab for Navigation

When the Use Tab to Move Focus option is enabled, the Tab key can be used to navigate in the following ways:

  • Tab moves to the next control
  • ShiftTab moves to the previous control

The Tab key can also be used to navigate between controls in the Session and Arrangement mixers via these shortcuts:

  • CtrlTab (Win) / OptionTab (Mac) moves to the next control in the same row
  • CtrlShiftTab (Win) / OptionShiftTab (Mac) moves to the previous control in the same row

When Use Tab to Move Focus is off, pressing the Tab key will switch between Session and Arrangement View, as in previous Live versions.

In addition to using Tab to move focus, the following navigation options are also available:

  • Wrap Tab Navigation - When this option is enabled, navigating with Tab will not stop at the last control in a focused view, but will navigate back to the first control. If the first control is selected, using ShiftTab will navigate to the last control. This option can be enabled via the Navigate menu or the Display & Input Settings.
  • Move Clips with Arrow Keys - This option is enabled by default, and lets you use the left and right arrow keys to move selected clips and/or the time selection in Arrangement View. This behavior can be switched off in the Display & Input Settings if needed. When off, pressing the left arrow key collapses the time selection to the start point, while pressing the right arrow key collapses the time selection to the end point.

The Tab and ShiftTab keys can be used to navigate between options inside the Settings tabs. These shortcuts work regardless of whether the Use Tab to Move Focus option is active or not.

When a command is focused in any of the Settings tabs, the up and down arrow keys can be used to change the state of a toggle, make value adjustments, or cycle through the available options for a given command. It is also possible to use the Enter key to switch between toggle states.

To navigate between the different tabs in the Settings Page Chooser, use CtrlTab (Win) / OptionTab (Mac) and CtrlShiftTab (Win) / OptionShiftTab (Mac) or the up and down arrow keys when the chooser is focused. If the keyboard focus is on the first control of any given Settings tab, use the ShiftTab shortcut to return the focus to the Settings Page Chooser.

39.26 Accessing Menus

On Windows, you can access each menu by pressing Alt and the first letter of the menu (AltF for “File,” for instance). While a menu is open, you can use:

  • The up and down arrow keys to navigate the menu items.
  • The right and left arrow keys to open the neighboring menu.
  • Enter to choose a menu item.

On Mac, you can access individual menu entries by pressing Cmd?. This opens a search field that will suggest menu entries as you type. You can navigate the suggested options by pressing the up and down arrow keys and then press Enter to choose one.

39.27 Using Live’s Context Menu

A context menu is available in different areas of Live for quick access to commonly used menu items and actions. To access the context menu, right-click(Win) / Ctrl-click(Mac) on the part of the interface where you would like to execute a particular command. The context menu can also be opened using the shortcut Menu or ShiftF10 on Windows or VOShiftM on Mac. It is worth noting that the context menu may sometimes contain applicable options from Live’s Settings. You should change these options with care, as they will affect not only the currently selected item but also the general settings of the program.

Some commands only appear in the context menu. Among these are: various options for working with the browser, special grid marker commands for directing Auto-Warp, detailed options for zoom-adaptive and fixed grid line width, copying and pasting for Operator’s envelopes and oscillators, and numerous device-specific commands.