廖海廷,現居台北,噪音印製發起人、Ableton Live 認證講師、音樂 / 聲音工作者。
廖海廷 / Hai-Ting Liao
- Taipei Taiwan
養成背景自澳洲昆士蘭省音樂院畢業後前往義大利 Fabrica 駐村,開始結合現代音樂及表演藝術的創作。 隨後前往法國,取得法國國立巴黎高等音樂院(CNSMDP)文憑。
2012 年開始教學,包含使用 Ableton Live 的音樂創作、聲音設計、現場演出的準備等。
Please note: Ableton Certified Trainers and Ableton Certified Training Centers are private entities or enterprises and neither employees nor agents of Ableton. They are not administered by Ableton AG, Ableton Inc. or Ableton KK. The trainers and centers are solely responsible for their own course offerings and curricula. Ableton takes no responsibility or liability for the actions of the trainers or centers.