Outer Spaces: A new device for extraordinary sound design

In our recently released panel discussion from Loop, we heard how some artists find perpetual experimentation with tools and techniques can help keep the studio a fertile ground for ideas. Other music makers like to limit their creative palette: persevering with specific processes, instruments and effects combinations can help a producer hone their output into a more distinctive sound.
Regardless of whether you have a set of tools and techniques that works for you, it’s always a treat to play with a device that encourages a new approach to sound design. And by combining various processing tools with advanced reverberation capabilities, Amazing Noises’ new Max for Live device will do just that.
With Outer Spaces, you can sculpt any space – from snug rooms to cavernous cathedrals (or get that huge reverb sound with endless decay). But with a few tweaks to the device’s processing options you can bring radical changes: transform a source’s timbre and texture, create alien drones or develop endlessly evolving sounds.
If you’re looking to put your sounds into otherworldly spaces, or explore new ideas for creative sound design, Outer Spaces is a device that can take you into uncharted territory. For more info on how it works and to hear audio clips, head over to the Packs page.