Max for Cats: Advanced Synthesizers - Domesticated
Despite the name, Max for Cats is, in fact, the product of a human with an incredible passion for synthesizers. Ensemble & DiGiTAL, both now available as Packs for Max for Live, represent a lifetime of passion for both hardware synthesis and Max patching.
Assemble the Ensemble
Based on classic 1970s string synths, Ensemble captures the spirit of weepy prog rock chords, retro-futuristic soundtracks, and bright disco stabs. Built-in phaser and chorus effects coat the sound in a proper vintage vibe - as a bonus, these effects also come with Ensemble as separate devices.
Check Out Ensemble
Digital Love
With elements of wavetable, FM, additive, and subtractive synthesis, DiGiTAL is a futuristic instrument designed for imagining new sounds. With beautifully-designed, friendly controls, a new sonic universe is at your fingertips.
Hear DiGiTAL for yourself.
Free Devices
Bonus! Grab Gratis Hits, a free pack of devices from Max for Cats. Here's a look at the instruments and effects that come with Gratis Hits: