Getting Started with The Bridge
To get The Bridge, download the latest versions of Ableton Live / Suite and Serato Scratch LiveĀ 2.1.1 or above. Open both programs at the same time with Rane hardware attached to activate The Bridge online.
The following movies will help you get started with The Bridge:
Perform your beats
Download as mp4Refine your mixtapes
Download as mp4Manuals, Help & Lessons
- The Bridge Manual (including information about making Beatgrids in Serato Scratch Live)
- Splitting up a DJ mix for discrete CD tracks
- The fastest way to warp a track in Ableton Live
If you're just getting started with Ableton Live, you'll want to go through the Ableton Live lessons, located inside the program in the Help View:

Live Packs
These free demo sets will help you get started with The Bridge:
Frequently asked questions can be found in our FAQs
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