Kaskade: Live Mysterious
Kaskade has quickly become one of house music's most recognizable names, expertly melding catchy hooks and vocals with traditional dance music fundamentals. The results? Banging house tunes reminiscent of rock and pop hits--most notably the 2004 hit "Steppin' Out."

This talent has garnered the San Francisco-based artist multiple chart-topping hits, countless remix requests, and an incredibly busy touring schedule. Kaskade took some time out to describe how he incorporates Live in his production process.
How do you use Live?
I have been using it a lot to develop beat templates and textures for my songs. The power and flexibility are amazing; it keeps me entertained and creative while I am on the road. I have it loaded on my laptop so instead of solitaire I make beats.
What do you like most about Live?
Power and flexibility; I don't spend a lot of time fighting with the interface. I can get ideas out quickly, and that makes the whole creation process more pleasant.
How did you first learn about Live?
A friend of mine at a studio in San Francisco turned me onto it. He runs a mastering/production studio in SF called counterw8.
Do you use Live in any unusual ways?
It's good for sound design type of ideas. I like to really warp sounds and see how far I can take it.
Do you have any favorite trick or tip that you'd like to pass along?
Spend time with it, and you will find interesting ways to use the software that you did not realize.

What other equipment/software do you use in conjunction with Live?
Pro Tools and Reason.
Any other comments about Ableton Live?
Keep it up. This is quickly becoming a tool no studio can live without.
For more information, check out: http://www.kaskademusic.com