
Explorez de nouveaux patterns avec trois séquenceurs pas à pas polyvalents

Max for Live
Instruments virtuels
Genres & Instruments


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NouveautĂ©s de Live 12
En savoir plus ici: Sequencers Play

Max for Live


par Ableton

Que vous ayez envie d'un contrÎle précis sur des patterns complexes ou de moyens de générer de nouvelles idées, ce Pack de séquenceurs Max for Live élargira le champ des possibles de votre création musicale.

Included with Live 12 Suite.

NouveautĂ©s de Live 12
En savoir plus ici: MIDI Tools

Max for Live

MIDI Tools

par Philip Meyer

Découvrez des moyens fascinants de générer de nouveaux patterns et de manipuler vos séquences existantes avec un Pack qui illustre le potentiel stimulant des outils MIDI de Live 12.

Included with Live 12 Suite.


Golden Era Hip Hop Drums par Sound Oracle

par Sound Oracle

Découvrez les batteries avec du caractÚre issues du hip-hop old school grùce à ce nouveau Pack axé sur les beats du producteur poids lourd Sound Oracle. Emparez-vous de ces kits chaleureux au son authentique avec des effets intégrés et une fonctionnalité MPE améliorée, créés exprÚs pour Live 12.


Trap Drums par Sound Oracle

par Sound Oracle

Sound Oracle, le pionnier du hip-hop du sud, vous met entre les mains le pouvoir de ses beats de trap trÚs demandés, avec un Pack de 20 kits et clips futuristes implacables créés spécialement pour Live 12 et chargés avec la fonctionnalité MPE.

Max for Live

Granulator III

par Ableton

Le synthétiseur granulaire trÚs prisé de Robert Henke revient dans Live 12 avec une interface améliorée et de nouvelles fonctionnalités, notamment deux nouveaux modes de lecture granulaire et la modulation MPE de la taille, de la forme et de la position de vos grains.

Included with Live 12 Suite.


Lost and Found

par Ableton

Des bruitages, des instruments montés de toute piÚce et des samples percussifs sans pareil conçus pour donner du caractÚre et de l'authenticité à vos productions.

Included with Live 12 Suite.

Max for Live

Performance Pack par Iftah

par Iftah

De nouvelles possibilitĂ©s destinĂ©es Ă  vos performances live s'offrent Ă  vous grĂące Ă  quatre pĂ©riphĂ©riques Max for Live crĂ©Ă©s par Iftah. ContrĂŽlez quasiment tous les Ă©lĂ©ments de Live avec des macros avancĂ©es, capturez des instantanĂ©s de votre Set que vous restaurerez par la suite, crĂ©ez instantanĂ©ment une boucle Ă  l'endroit oĂč vous vous trouvez depuis l'Ă©cran Arrangement, et prĂ©arrangez la structure d'un morceau avec des clips que Live complĂ©tera Ă  mesure que vous les jouerez.

Included with Live 12 Suite.


Expressive Choir

par Spitfire Audio

Expressive Choir is a set of choral presets and MIDI clips specially adapted by Spitfire Audio to showcase Push’s new, highly expressive MPE-capable pads. Take control of a large mixed choir, using Slide and Pressure to blend between mouth shapes, change pitch, and explore dynamic layers.

USD 49


Session Drums

par Ableton

Session Drums is a carefully multisampled library of acoustic drums that reproduces the nuances of a recording session and puts you in the engineer's seat.

USD 99

Included with Push 3
En savoir plus ici: CV Tools

Max for Live

CV Tools

par Ableton

CV Tools is ten creative Max for Live devices that let you control your modular gear with Ableton Live and Push.

Max for Live

Building Max Devices

par Ableton

Max est un langage de programmation graphique dĂ©diĂ© Ă  la musique, l’audio et le multimĂ©dia. Avec Max for Live, vous pourrez jouir d’une plus grande libertĂ© de crĂ©ation en Ă©laborant vos propres pĂ©riphĂ©riques dans Live. Ce Pack vous permettra de vous mettre Ă  Max plus rapidement grĂące Ă  des pĂ©riphĂ©riques gratuits, des leçons dĂ©taillĂ©es et une multitude d’exemples qui vous donneront l’inspiration.

Included with Live 12 Suite.

Max for Live

SPAT Bundle

par Music Unit

Positionnez vos sons dans des espaces réels et imaginaires en 3D avec les outils de localisation audio avancés de SPAT Devices. Ces deux Packs sont basés sur le processeur Spatialisateur de l'IRCAM et vous permettent de positionner et d'orienter des sources sonores dans des environnement stéréo, binauraux et transauraux réalistes. SPAT Multichannel va encore plus loin avec la possibilité de programmer jusqu'à 32 enceintes satellites dans de multiples configurations.

Facture originale USD 178maintenant USD 139

Max for Live

SPAT Multichannel

par Music Unit

Découvrez toutes les possibilités de localisation audio offertes par SPAT grùce à SPAT Multichannel. Programmez jusqu'à 32 enceintes dans une multitude de configurations, et reproduisez votre configuration live ou studio avec des contrÎles précis du positionnement de chaque enceinte.

USD 89

Max for Live

SPAT Stereo

par Music Unit

Servez-vous de la technologie de localisation audio de SPAT pour faire de vos mixages des environnements sonores binauraux et transauraux. Créez pour vos sons des espaces à la sonorité réaliste, ou bien expérimentez à l'infini avec des algorithmes de panoramique avancés et de convaincants paramÚtres psychoacoustiques.

USD 89



par ModeAudio

Plongez-vous dans l'univers hypnotique et expérimental du post-rock avec cette palette riche en sons, en boucles et en instruments multisamplés qui restituent les sonorités et textures caractéristiques du genre.

USD 59


Crate Adventure RMX

par DJ Nu-Mark

DJ Nu-Mark est de retour avec une nouvelle sélection de samples, de presets et de boucles qui donneront immédiatement l'inspiration à tous ceux qui cherchent à faire du hip-hop brut, mélodique, en partant des fondations.

USD 39


Plucked Strings

par Cinematique Instruments

De sons de cordes pincées et staccato aux trémolos les plus délicats, insufflez à votre musique les sonorités évocatrices d'un Ronroco, d'une harpe celtique ou des harmoniques de guitare et de basse.

USD 99



par Comakid

HYPER-REAL par Comakid est une collection d'instruments, de Drum Racks et d'effets malléables inspirés par le design sonore maximaliste de l'hyperpop et les interconnexions denses et hybrides du monde actuel. Jouez de synthés qui changent de forme, élaborez des textures élastiques ou bien déformez ces sons pour en tirer quelque chose d'entiÚrement nouveau.

USD 69



par Puremagnetik

Nostalgique est une collection abondante d'instruments et de Drum Racks multiéchantillonnés à partir de trois appareils Ensoniq trÚs prisés. Donnez à vos productions une touche de vintage ou bien retravaillez ces sons classiques pour faire vos propres expériences rétrofuturistes.

USD 39

Max for Live


par Ableton

Microtuner par Ableton est un pĂ©riphĂ©rique MIDI qui vous permet d'importer, d'Ă©diter et de gĂ©nĂ©rer des gammes microtonales. Chargez des fichiers de gammes, crĂ©ez des gammes personnalisĂ©es et passez d'un systĂšme d'accordage Ă  un autre en temps rĂ©el — le tout avec la polyphonie, le MPE et les modes Lead/Follow pour synchroniser vos gammes sur l'ensemble de vos instruments.

Included with Live 12 Suite.

Max for Live


par Fors

Chiral est un synthĂ©tiseur holographique compatible MPE conçu pour encourager l'expĂ©rimentation grĂące au phaseshaping, Ă  la modulation d'amplitude et Ă  une large matrice de modulation. CrĂ©ez tout ce qui vous passe par la tĂȘte, depuis des pads cinĂ©matiques jusqu'Ă  des environnements pleins de glitches dĂ©sharmonisĂ©s, grĂące Ă  ce pĂ©riphĂ©rique Max for Live intuitif avec un fort potentiel pour le design sonore.

USD 39

Max for Live

Slink Devices

par Hypnus Records

Slink Devices est une collection fascinante de périphériques Max for Live épousant le mouvement naturel de l'eau. Générez des effets spectraux vertigineux, de la modulation subtile de type analogique, des idées mélodiques imprévisibles, le tout contrÎlé par l'inimitable moteur d'onde flexible Slink.

USD 79


Big Band Essentials 2

par ProjectSAM

ProjectSAM fait son grand retour dans l'univers des big bands et du jazz avec Big Band Essentials 2. Mettant l'accent sur des instruments solos de caractÚre et une nouvelle section rythmique puissante, ce nouveau Pack restitue les spécificités propres à une grande variété d'instruments à cordes, à vent et de percussions.

USD 99


Extended Sounds

par Modeselektor

Extended Sounds propose une immersion en profondeur dans l'univers créatif et artistique de Modeselektor. Ce Pack contient des samples d'un grand nombre de synthés et de boßtes à rythmes provenant de leur arsenal de studio classique, le tout enrobé d'effets incroyables avec des presets jouables sans difficulté.

USD 59

Max for Live

Octo Cell

par Vosynth

OctoCell réunit les synthÚses additive, FM et soustractive dans une seule interface trÚs accessible. Cumulez jusqu'à huit oscillateurs, chacun doté de ses propores options FM, et tirez parti de toutes les possibilités de modulation et d'enveloppe pour créer des sons riches et évolutifs.

USD 79


Upright Piano

par Spitfire Audio

Insufflez à vos productions la chaleur naturelle d'un piano droit. Enregistré au plus prÚs pour susciter l'intimité, ce son classique trouve sa place dans de nombreux styles de musique, aussi bien à l'état pur que transformé en quelque chose de nouveau. Créé en collaboration avec Spitfire Audio.

USD 49


String Quartet

par Spitfire Audio

Des pizzicatos les plus subtils aux nappes les plus intenses, vous disposerez des timbres et textures authentiques d'un quatuor à cordes constitué de deux violons, d'un alto et d'un violoncelle. Créé en collaboration avec Spitfire Audio.

USD 49


Brass Quartet

par Spitfire Audio

Incorpore un savoureux mélange de trompette, de bugle, de saxhorn alto et de trombone dans votre musique. Les instruments inclus mettent en valeur la respiration naturelle, l'expressivité et la sonorité imposante d'un quatuor de cuivres. Créé en collaboration avec Spitfire Audio.

USD 49

Max for Live

Inspired By Nature

par Dillon Bastan

Inspired by Nature est une collection ludique de périphériques Max for Live créés en collaboration avec Dillon Bastan. Créez des ambiances sonores génératives, des mélodies imprévisibles et des modulations évolutives avec des périphériques inspirés par les forces physiques et du monde naturel.

Included with Live 12 Suite.

Max for Live


par Robert Henke (Monolake)

PitchLoop89 est un nouveau périphérique de pitch shifting inspiré par le Publison DHM 89, créé en collaboration avec Robert Henke. Expérimentez avec des effets de glitches, des délais numériques aux sonorités typées et un vibrato inhabituel sur scÚne comme en studio.

Included with Live 12 Suite.


Voice Box

par Ableton

Voice Box vous invite à faire preuve d'inventivité avec les voix. Ce Pack inclut toute une collection de samples vocaux modernes issus de voix diverses, une série d'instruments vocaux jouables, et des Racks d'effets conçus pour le traitement de la voix.

USD 59


Mood Reel

par Ableton

Plantez le décor avec une collection de sons pour faire de la musique servant une intention narrative moderne. Des superpositions d'instruments combinent sons naturels et synthétiques à des éléments de texture afin d'incorporer de l'espace, une ambiance et du mouvement à vos productions.

USD 59


Drone Lab

par Ableton

Drone Lab est dĂ©diĂ© au sustain. Laissez-vous porter par l'Ă©coute immersive avec des enchevĂȘtrements complexes et Ă©volutifs de sonoritĂ©s et de textures, de bruit gĂ©nĂ©ratif, d'instruments multiĂ©chantillonnĂ©s, avec aussi des pĂ©riphĂ©riques et des Racks conçus pour l'expĂ©rimentation et l'improvisation.

USD 59


Drum Booth

par Ableton

Drum Booth contient des samples choisis avec soin de batteries acoustiques enregistrées dans une piÚce traitée et matte. Parfait en soi ou en renfort de batteries électroniques, Drum Booth offre également une sélection d'enregistrements expérimentaux que l'on ne trouve pas dans les bibliothÚques acoustiques standards.

Included with Live 12 Suite.


Chop and Swing

par Ableton

L'hommage d'Ableton au style qui a fait du sampling un art Ă  part entiĂšre et inscrit un nouveau type de groove sur la carte musicale. Chop and Swing inclut des enregistrements inspirĂ©s et des presets parfaits pour ĂȘtre dĂ©coupĂ©s et combinĂ©s dans de nouveaux morceaux.


Drive and Glow

par Ableton

Drive and Glow rĂ©unit des textures synthĂ©tiques dĂ©chaĂźnĂ©es, des guitares et des basses saturĂ©es, ainsi que des batteries aux sonoritĂ©s incisives. ÉlaborĂ© avec soin par Ableton, ce Pack excelle dans la crĂ©ation de morceaux Ă©voquant le rock indĂ©.

USD 59


Skitter and Step

par Ableton

Skitter and Step remplit l’espace avec des basses grondantes, des pads aĂ©riens et des mĂ©lodies discordantes qui s'entrechoquent avec des percussions mouvementĂ©es. Les ambiances sombres, les basses dub et les batteries compactes sont prĂȘtes Ă  l'emploi pour vos productions mais ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© conçues pour une manipulation en profondeur du son.

USD 59


Electric Keyboards

par Ableton

Electric Keyboards est un nouveau Pack comprenant trois instruments légendaires multiéchantillonnés : deux pianos électromécaniques et un orgue à roue phonique. Un soin particulier a été accordé au son de ce Pack pour qu'il soit aussi réaliste et naturel que possible. Le résultat ? Des claviers électriques avec du caractÚre, pour n'importe quel genre de musique.


Grand Piano

par e-instruments

Grand Piano vous fait profiter de l'expressivité et de la puissance d'un piano à queue de renommée mondiale enregistré dans une salle de concert classique.

Max for Live

Echoes and Spaces Bundle

par Various

Depuis des ondulations rythmiques précises jusqu'à de longues traßnées de vapeur, explorez l'espace et la durée de votre son avec divers délais et réverbérations réunis dans une seule collection polyvalente et inspirante.

Facture originale USD 117maintenant USD 78


Creme de la Crate

par DJ Nu-Mark

Jurassic 5’s production mastermind has dug deep to record original drum breaks, melodic loops and one-shots that merge the flavor of vintage samples with an all-important modern punch.

USD 69



par ModeAudio

Une sĂ©lection ludique de boucles et de samples provenant du catalogue de ModeAudio — des synthĂ©s nostalgiques et de l'ambiance texturĂ©e en passant par des licks de guitare d'une prĂ©cision redoutable et des sons du quotidien retravaillĂ©s.

Max for Live

Stray Cats Collection

par Max for Cats

We’ve teamed up with Max for Cats and Sonic Bloom to give you a free collection of devices to keep you company at home. From synths and sequencers to effects for space and color.


Spectral Textures

par Ableton

One part field recordings and one part additive synthesis, Spectral Textures is a unique instrument that blends together two distinct worlds of sound to create vibrant atmospheres, textures and progressions.


Max for Live


par Martin von Frantzius

FlexGroove is a Max for Live device for off-the-grid MIDI sequencing. Give parts an expressive push and pull, fluidly transition from one time signature to another, or play with unconventional swing patterns.

USD 49

Max for Live

Max for Cats Bundle

par Max for Cats

Enrich your synthesizer collection with three of our most popular devices – all by Max for Cats. Explore the complex tones of FM synthesis, the grit and character of analog synths, and the boundless creative possibilities of modular synthesis.

Facture originale USD 217maintenant USD 139


Dystopian Signals

par Mind Flux

Dystopian Signals holds the sounds of a dark future. Balancing brutality and beauty, this synth-focused Pack is for creators of cinematic soundtracks, ambient moodscapes and darker shades of dance music.

USD 59

Max for Live

Grain Scanner

par Amazing Noises

Grain Scanner lets you design experimental noises, glitchy effects, alien textures and massive clouds of ambience. Its advanced sound engine turns any sample into a blank slate for otherworldly synth parts.

USD 59


LoFi HipHop

par Comakid

Cette vaste collection de sons, de samples et de boucles lo-fi est axée sur la texture et l'atmosphÚre. Créez des beats agrémentés de bruits de sifflements de bande, de clics et de pops avec un groove relùché qui sonne moins quantifié.

USD 59


Madder Beatz

par KJ Sawka

Go beyond the usual breakbeats with loops, one-shots, full multi-sampled kits, and effected drums from the electronic drumming master, KJ Sawka.

USD 59


Indian Raga

par Gravitas Create

Whether you’re adding a tabla loop to your melody or exploring the classical raga scales played on the sitar, Indian Raga samples master musicians of Indian classical music.

USD 59



par Ableton

Offert Ă  tous les utilisateurs de Live 10, Singularities se sert de samples uniques et de paramĂštres expressifs rĂ©glĂ©s avec prĂ©cision pour restituer le son et les sensations procurĂ©es par des synthĂ©s et samplers classiques. On y retrouve 40 Racks d'instruments, plus des clips MIDI et des batteries — tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour faire un morceau de A Ă  Z.



par ModeAudio

Inspiré à la fois par la scÚne pop actuelle gorgée de synthés et par les sons des années 1980 qui ont largement contribué au succÚs de ce style, Synthwave est une collection d'éléments essentiels de la synth-pop classique et moderne aux sonorités fluorescentes.

USD 59


Cookbook Bundle

par Goldbaby

Un festin de sons analogiques dans toute leur ampleur pour créer, entre autres, des beats modernes. Vous pouvez désormais vous procurer les trois Packs de la série Cookbook en lot à prix réduit : trois Packs pour le prix de deux.

Facture originale USD 147maintenant USD 99


Cookbook 3

par Goldbaby

The in-demand sample producer returns with the third part in the Cookbook series – another hard-hitting toolkit of beats, bass and much more for modern styles.

USD 49


Big Band Essentials

par ProjectSAM

Multi-sampled big band ensembles, a groovy rhythm section and solo lead instruments – professional tools for scores, soundtracks and productions that call for detailed jazz instrumentation.

USD 99



par Puremagnetik

A comprehensive toolkit of otherworldly strikes, atmospheres and textures for game, film and television scoring, and experimental music production.

USD 39

Max for Live

Creative Extensions

par Ableton

Creative Extensions is a free addition to Live 10 Suite created with an experimental approach to sound processing and generative composition.

Included with Live 12 Suite.


Punch and Tilt

par Ableton

Punch and Tilt is a dancefloor-ready collection of sounds focused on machine rhythms, weighty bass and dark, hypnotizing melodies, textures and noises – a rough sonic aesthetic that started with a small group of underground producers and has grown into a worldwide scene.

USD 59


Glitch and Wash

par Ableton

Glitch and Wash explores the contrast of organic texture and precise rhythms. This Pack combines precision slices and microscopic snippets of sound with warm ambient pads, textures and soundscapes – ready-to-mix sounds designed for heavy tweaking.

USD 59


Build and Drop

par Ableton

Build and Drop is loaded with ecstatic leads, enveloping bass, slamming drums and a range of rises, sirens and sounds effects. The curated sounds and presets inside are a creative toolbox for creating the irresistible anticipation and release this music uses to keep the party going.

USD 59


Drum Essentials

par Ableton

Drum Essentials is a collection of handpicked sounds selected to cover a wide range of styles. A flexible, highly-refined Pack to form the rhythmic foundation of any production.


Synth Essentials

par Ableton

Synth Essentials expands the Core Library with fresh presets for Ableton’s synths and samplers. Painstakingly created by top artists and sound designers, Synth Essentials makes it easy to find the sounds you need with no interruption to your creative flow.

Software Instruments


par Ableton

Wavetable is a new synth that’s both intuitive to use and vastly capable. Stretch, shape and morph sounds into a broad sound palette using wavetables derived from synths, acoustic instruments, noise and much more. Start playing right away, or go deeper into sound design than you’ve ever been before.

USD 159

Max for Live

Surround Panner

par Ableton

Surround Panner is a free Max for Live device that makes mixing for performances, installations and theaters using multi-channel speaker setups possible in Live. Simply load the device into a track in your Live set and use the XY control to place it anywhere in the surround field. Eight presets allow you to choose between four-, six- and eight-channel setups.

Included with Live 12 Suite.

Max for Live

Convolution Reverb

par Ableton

Convolution Reverb is a creative device for bringing new space to your sounds – a sample-based reverb suite with hundreds of impulse responses from real-world spaces and world-class hardware.

Included with Live 12 Suite.


Cookbook 2

par Goldbaby

The acclaimed soundware producer returns with his second massive collection of contemporary samples, Racks, Simpler instruments and complete Live Sets.

USD 49

Max for Live


par Dillon Bastan

Aimed at electronic musicians, sound designers and installation artists, Iota is a Max For Live granular looping instrument that wrings endless creative potential out of even the simplest samples, via an inspiring graphically-driven interface.

USD 39



par Undrgrnd Sounds

A vast library of Instrument Racks, UNDRGND SOUNDS Synthology puts an enviable collection of hardware-sourced synth sounds at the very heart of Live, complete with extended effects schemes, intricate Macro assignments and seamless Push integration.

USD 59

Max for Live


par Coldcut

This Max For Live arpeggiator, riff generator and sequencer turns even the simplest of MIDI patterns into an evolving musical continuum, and comes with a collection of hybrid electronic/acoustic Instrument and Effects Racks capturing the classic and contemporary sounds of electronic music legends Coldcut.

USD 49

Max for Live


par Max for Cats

Max for Cats’ latest creation brings the versatility of a semi-modular interface to the world of analog-modelling synthesis. Built around a flexible virtual patchbay, Pallas gives users immense control over a wide range of bold and unique sounds.

USD 59


Sample Logic Bundle

par Sample Logic

This four-Pack bundle brings together more than 1000 instruments and 500 clips of cinematic sounds – from acoustic to electronic, and percussive to atmospheric. It's a complete set of creative tools for film score, soundtracks, or adding cinematic flavor to any type of music.

Facture originale USD 376maintenant USD 199


Analogik Bundle

par Flatpack

This versatile bundle of synth and drum sounds brings the rich sound of analog gear under your control in Live.

Facture originale USD 177maintenant USD 119


Analogik Waves II

par Flatpack

Flatpack Analogik Waves II offers a new collection of unique, highly customizable analog sounds to add to your arsenal. Sampled from boutique analog oscillators and chromatically tracked across the keyboard, Waves II offers a wide spectrum of sonic possibilities.

USD 59



par Puremagnetik

Microtron captures the saturated orchestral sounds of the Mellotron – the tape-replay instrument made famous by the Beatles, Genesis and other bands. These surreal reproductions of brass, string and wind instruments will add a distinctive color to your sound palette.

USD 39


Beat Tools

par Ableton

With more than 120 Drum and Instrument Racks, over 180 loops for slicing, tweakable effects chains and more, Beat Tools has all the sounds you need for hands-on beatmaking – especially with Push.

USD 59

Max for Live


par Sonic Faction

Mix or mutate between four independent sound sources using a flexible morph matrix and a Push-ready modulation sequencer – Hypermorph offers a playful way to create rapidly changing or evolving sounds.

USD 59

Max for Live

Transient Machines

par Surreal Machines

Transient Machines is a Max for Live Pack that allows for deep sound-shaping possibilities. Modelled after the transient designers found in professional recording studios, Transient Machines is a versatile tool for reshaping the dynamics of drums, loops, and much more.

USD 49

Max for Live


par Max for Cats

Combining the textural intricacy of FM with the freeform approach of a modular system, Bengal is a sound designer’s dream with its four operators, eight voices of polyphony, six audio effects and a flexible modulation architecture centred on an interactive virtual patchbay.

USD 59


AAS Bundle

par AAS

Three expertly designed Packs offer a diverse set of synth patches that show Analog and Tension at their evocative best. Now available as a discounted bundle: three Packs for the cost of two.

Facture originale USD 117maintenant USD 78

Max for Live

Tricky Traps

par Sonic Faction

16 creative contraptions spanning sequencers, instruments and MIDI effects that are tons of fun to play. They’re made to be chained together to trigger unexpected reactions and happy accidents – and they bring a new level of customised control to Push.

USD 59

Max for Live

Time & Timbre

par Skinnerbox

The updated Time & Timbre comes crammed with devices for integrating its unique groove capabilities throughout your music-making process. It’s now compatible with the new Push – but whatever way you use it you’ll be brimming with rhythmic ideas.

USD 69

Max for Live

Outer Spaces

par Amazing Noises

Outer Spaces is a versatile new audio processor that puts your sounds in beautiful spaces – but it goes way beyond your standard reverb. Create alien drones and endless echoes or completely transform timbres; it’s a multipurpose tool for extraordinary sound design.

USD 39


Cinematic Percussion

par ProjectSAM

Multi-sampled orchestral and world percussion, plus other hits and tension builders – this Pack offers professional-grade tools and sounds to use in scores, soundtracks, or to add cinematic power to any production style.

USD 99


House Racks

par Undrgrnd Sounds

Primed for use with Push and packed with recordings of vintage hardware within eleven tweakable Instrument Racks, House Racks is a new toolkit for producers seeking the classic sounds of 80s and 90s underground house.

USD 59

Max for Live


par K-Devices

Get deep with the multi-functional LFO, create a sequence of randomized preset states, or modulate parameters using an audio signal – this set of envelope followers and other device controllers can reinvent how you use your instruments and effects, and take your modulations to the molecular level.

USD 49


ZenPad Bundle Vol. 02

par EarthMoments

Surreal, slow-mo soundscapes, psychedelic instruments and otherworldly timbres from underwater recordings – you can now pick up these diverse sound sets as a discounted bundle: three Packs for the cost of two.

Facture originale USD 237maintenant USD 158


ZenPad Bundle Vol. 01

par EarthMoments

Expand your sound palette with authentic instruments and sounds from across the globe. You can now pick up the ZenPad Bollywood, Mantra and Oasis Packs as a discounted bundle: three Packs for the cost of two.

Facture originale USD 237maintenant USD 158


ZenPad Poly Reverse

par EarthMoments

Inspired by the experimental sounds of the 60s and 70s, this eclectic set of dream-like instruments and textures is ideal for soundtracks, film scores, or anyone looking to spark offbeat production ideas. The Pack is also available as part of a discounted bundle with the LĂ© Slow and Waterworx Packs.

USD 79

Max for Live



IRCAM has used the expertise from decades of dedicated research and development to produce this collection of Max for Live devices. Through real time audio analysis, their advanced physical modelling synthesis environment and other leading technologies, IRCAMAX 2 lets you manipulate, process and reinvent sounds in ways you wouldn’t have imagined possible.

USD 199

Max for Live


par K-Devices

New from K-Devices, Terra is a polyphonic Max For Live synth incorporating frequency modulation, phase distortion, ring modulation and wave shaping. With its intuitive layout and characterful sound, it makes a unique and interesting addition to any musician or sound designer’s Live instrument arsenal.

USD 69

Max for Live


par Mellisonic

Polyphylla is a new Max For Live instrument that makes additive synthesis accessible and fun. Aimed at electronic music producers as well as experimental composers, music educators and production novices, you’ll master it in minutes but make amazing sounds with it for years to come.

USD 49

Max for Live


par Adam Florin

Get to grips with Patter, a creative MIDI effect for Max for Live that creates truly surprising musical ideas. Its ability to generate unique rhythms and melodies, and deft control over randomization elements make it an exciting tool for those looking for inspiration and experimentation.

USD 29

Max for Live


par Andrew Robertson

BeatSeeker is a responsive Max for Live device that adapts Live’s tempo to stay in time with a drummer or other rhythmic audio. It lets bands maintain their natural groove when performing with Live.

USD 29


64 Pad Lab

par Mad Zach

Five extensive Drum Racks tailored for use with Push’s 64 Pad mode, produced and compiled by finger drummer par excellence Mad Zach.


ZenPad Waterworx

par EarthMoments

The latest Pack from EarthMoments comprises over 400 one-shot samples and loops inspired by the ethereal atmospheres of rivers, oceans, waterfalls and lakes. This Pack is also available as part of a discounted bundle with the Poly Reverse and LĂ© Slow Packs.

USD 79


Cookbook 1

par Goldbaby

An extensive toolkit of over 3000 drum samples, chords, MIDI clips, loops and Simpler instruments tailor-made for modern music styles.

USD 49

Max for Live

Chaos Effects

par Amazing Noises

From premium Max For Live developer Amazing Noises comes a pair of anarchic effects for sound designers, glitch producers and explorers of uncharted sonic territory: Dedalus Delay and Stutter Switch.

USD 39

Max for Live


par Max for Cats

With over 100 freely patchable modules and dozens of pre-patched synths and effects, OSCiLLOT brings the near-infinite creative possibilities of modular synthesis to Ableton Live.

USD 99

Max for Live


par K-Devices

Holder is a spectral freezing device. It grabs short slices of sound and transforms them to ambient textures. It is perfect for creating wide, lush soundscapes and atmospheric drones.

USD 29

Max for Live

Alter Echo

par K-Devices

AlterEcho is a supercharged delay effect which can add complex rhythm and tone to your sounds. It is transport-synced with step-based parameters, enabling powerful control of your sound over time.

USD 39


ZenPad LĂ© Slow

par EarthMoments

LĂ© Slow is a collection of 400 darkly atmospheric, cinematic textures, loops and sounds, produced with musicians, producers, sound designers and film score composers in mind. The Pack is also available as part of a discounted bundle with the Poly Reverse and Waterworx Packs.

USD 79


Break Selection For Live 9

par Sample Magic

Break Selection is a free pack that includes 175 drum loops recorded by some of the best drummers in the business.


Analogik Drums

par Flatpack

Flatpack Analogik Drums is a collection of unique drum kits, constructed from recordings of highly sought-after analog modular gear. This Pack combines the old-school flavour of analog drums with fresh and colorful snares, kicks, cymbals, toms, claps and percussive elements, making it perfect for a variety of productions.

USD 59


Analogik Waves

par Flatpack

Flatpack Analogik Waves provides a range of mono and poly synth analog sounds, from raw and dirty synth leads to beautifully ethereal pads. This Pack was painstakingly sampled and chromatically tracked across the keyboard, to bring rich and harmonically arresting analog synth sounds to your fingertips.

USD 59


Entangled Species

par AAS

Entangled Species is a collection of over 120 cinematic sounds designed for Ableton's Tension. It is perfect for creating electro-acoustic and ambient arrangements.

USD 39



par AAS

Angelicals is a set of over 100 presets for Ableton's Analog synthesizer, programmed by composer/sound designer André Ettema. Progressive electronic pioneers such as Vangelis and Jean-Michel Jarre provided the inspiration for this collection of retro-futuristic sounds.

USD 39

Max for Live


par Utami

Geisterwelt is a spectral sampler and visualizer. With control over multiple audio and video parameters, Geisterwelt lets you simultaneously create music and responsive HD video with nothing more than a MIDI controller, a keyboard, or mouse.

USD 30


Apocalypse Percussion Elements

par Soundiron

Apocalypse Percussion Elements is a massive library of over 4,000 high-quality samples ranging from entire drum ensembles to individual drums, cymbals and percussion instruments such as bongos, cajons, gongs and more.

USD 99


Thermionic Solid State Drums

par Goldbaby

A collection of over 5,000 analog drum sounds sampled from a broad range of hardware. Encompassing vintage Roland machines, contemporary drum synths, DIY circuit board kits and more, this Pack brings the warm tones of analog drums straight to your studio.

USD 49

Max for Live



Developed at the legendary IRCAM institute in Paris, this Pack contains six Max for Live effects and one instrument for advanced real-time sound processing and manipulation.

USD 139



par Uppercussion

Conundrums is a collection of 50 drum kits, each uniquely crafted for versatility and fine-tuned so that all components play together in harmony. Designed to complement a wide range of genres and pack a mighty punch in the mix, Conundrums is an all-in-one beatmaking powerhouse.

USD 49



par Soniccouture

Mallets brings two expertly sampled melodic percussion instruments to Ableton Live. The dark, velvety timbre of the marimba and the vibraphone’s shimmering oscillations were captured using full-range concert models and include the lower octaves often missing from sampled mallets.

USD 89



par Sample Logic

The Rhythomatix Pack brings you a library of highly nuanced loops, samples and drum kits geared towards world music, electronic, industrial and pop productions – subtle cinematic sounds that collectively provide a powerful rhythmic impact.

USD 79

Max for Live


par Max for Cats

Inspired by the classic string machines of the 1970s, Ensemble is a Max for Live string synthesizer with a unique built-in morphing formant filter. Ensemble also includes chorus and phaser effects which can be used separately.

USD 39

Max for Live


par Max for Cats

Max for Cats presents DiGiTAL, a powerful polyphonic synth that fuses aspects of additive, wavetable, frequency modulation and subtractive synthesis. DiGiTAL is distinctly designed for creating new sounds and provides a comprehensive set of controls expressly for this purpose.

USD 39

Max for Live

Dub Machines

par Surreal Machines

Dub Machines is a pair of expertly designed Max for Live devices that reproduce, and expand on the sound of classic tape and analog delays. With vintage character, extensive control and deep sound-shaping capabilities, Dub Machines is ready to take any sound into space.

USD 39


Effect Racks

par Puremagnetik

Effect Racks is a collection of over 200 sophisticated audio effects engineered for instant sound sculpting. It comes packed with an endless variety of Channel Strips, DJ and Live PA effects, Glitch Racks, Amp Racks, Modulators, Filters, Beat Processors and Noise Boxes.

USD 49


Recording Hybrid Kit

par Drumdrops

Recording Hybrid Kit is a free Pack consisting of a multi-sampled, multi-velocity Yamaha drumset. Made up of elements of several different drumsets, Hybrid is a great sounding, all-purpose kit from Drumdrops – the makers of A Fistful of Drumkits.


A Fistful of Drumkits

par Drumdrops

Three diverse drum kits for any situation - from pounding metal crashes to crackling dub snares. Fill your drum arsenal with over 2 GB of sounds, including 155 multi-sampled hits that capture the human feel of a professional drummer.

USD 69



par Flatpack

Flatpack Darwin features evolving pads, animated textures and shifting tonal soundscapes. Darwin’s specially crafted Instrument Rack design blends two sample or synth-based layers to bring unique harmonic atmospheres to your sound design, film, and electronic music projects.

USD 49



par Uppercussion

Vocalisms is a collection of 58 drum kits made solely from sounds produced by the human voice and mouth. Taking advantage of the entire oral spectrum, this Pack focuses on the voice as a percussive instrument and provides all the elements of a drum kit, and much more.

USD 49

Max for Live


par K-Devices

Drop Herse in your track and manipulate audio in real time. Herse is a slicing multi-effect that lets you rearrange your signal and apply a defined amount of effect to each slice.

USD 29



par SonArte

Arsenal brings you the surprisingly rich and musical sounds of an array of metal objects. Chosen for their unique sonic qualities, a selection of pipes, tubes and blades have been played with bows, sticks, hands and mouth, to capture and extract their inherent musical essence.

USD 89

Max for Live

Dark Synth

par Amazing Noises

Dark Synth is an highly innovative new Max for Live synthesizer that marries the vast possibilities of additive synthesis with a super-intuitive interface. As a great starting point for immersive sound-shaping, Dark Synth will introduce you to new horizons in sound design.

USD 69


Studio Bass

par e-instruments

Studio Bass is four instruments in one and delivers the powerful, expressive sound of a classic electric bass guitar. With four different characters to choose from it covers all the typical articulations, string types and amplifier/ effects combinations.

USD 99


ZenPad - Bollywood

par EarthMoments

ZenPad - Bollywood is a selection of up-tempo Indian rhythms and authentic melodic sounds created specifically for pop, film, electronic and Bollywood productions. The Pack is also available as part of a discounted bundle with the Mantra and Oasis Packs.

USD 79


ZenPad - Oasis

par EarthMoments

ZenPad – Oasis captures the spirit of southwest Asia and southeast Europe with a variety of instruments including Arabic style drum kits, various hand percussion, ney flutes, clarinets, violin and oud. This Pack is also available as part of a discounted bundle with the Bollywood and Mantra Packs.

USD 79


ZenPad - Mantra

par EarthMoments

ZenPad - Mantra is a diverse selection of sounds designed for new age, yoga, meditation and electronic music productions. This Pack is also available as part of a discounted bundle with the Bollywood and Oasis Packs.

USD 79


Beat Selection For Live 9

par Sample Magic

Discover 500MB of the finest drum loops from Sample Magic's award-winning catalogue, compatible with Live 9.0.1 or higher. Encompassing a huge variety of electronic styles, Sample Magic's Beat Selection has been hand-picked to offer beat-making inspiration.



par Glitchmachines

Whether you are building hi-tech weapon effects for a blockbuster sci-fi shooter, or creating complex layered transitions for a cutting edge electronic music project, Microsphere delivers an extraordinary palette of sound that will take your productions into uncharted territory.

USD 59



par Uppercussion

Monstrosities is a collection of 50 aggressive drum kits with dirty, distorted, processed and mangled sounds, energized for intense beat creation with Live and Push.

USD 49


Olympus Elements

par Soundiron

Olympus Elements symphonic choir is a 63-voice professional choir, expertly built for use with Ableton Live. With beautifully recorded sample content and a wide range of dynamics and articulations, this Pack provides the most important elements of a large chorus in a convenient all-in-one solution.

USD 99


Retro Computers

par Puremagnetik

Grab control of the sound chips that defined the video game soundtracks of the 1980s, now programmed specifically for Live. Whether you are looking for aliased chippy sounds, lo-fi leads or quirky percussion, Retro Computers brings some of the best things about the early 80’s right to your desktop!

USD 49

Max for Live

Spectrum Effects v.2

par Amazing Noises

Spectrum Effects includes two radical spectral processing devices capable of a range of effects. Warp and mangle your audio into mayhem, or add subtle harmonic touches - you decide which. In the studio and at the gig, Spectrum Effects adds an instant dynamic catalyst to your Live set.

USD 39

Max for Live


par K-Devices

Set the rules in AutoBeat and discover endless rhythmic rearrangement possibilities. AutoBeat integrates seamlessly with Drum Racks, and can also function as a flexible phrase creator for melodic instruments.

USD 39



par Soniccouture

Clav brings the authentic sound of the Hohner D6 Clavinet into Ableton Live. Captured with all of its funky nuances, nothing adds vintage twang and spanking timbres to a groove like this classic keyboard instrument.

USD 59


Orchestral Ensemble Essentials 2

par ProjectSAM

Orchestral Ensemble Essentials 2 is a comprehensive collection of brass, string, woodwind and full-orchestra sections, taken from ProjectSAM’s renowned Symphobia series and includes sounds from Lumina, the latest addition to the series.

USD 99


Konkrete Drums 3

par Soniccouture

Konkrete Drums 3 lets you take your palette of percussion even further into exciting new sonic territory. This Pack derives its unique range and power from the vast array of unusual gear and inspired recording techniques that went into its making.

USD 49


Breakbeats by KutMasta Kurt

Breakbeats by KutMasta Kurt is a set of Hip Hop breaks with a vintage sound from producer KutMasta Kurt, who has worked with artists including Beastie Boys, DJ Qbert, Kool Keith, The Pharcyde, Linkin Park and more.

NĂ©cessite Live 9 Standard ou au-dessus.


Konkrete Breaks

par Soniccouture

Konkrete Breaks is a collection of complex and exciting MIDI drum loops paired with a selection of sounds from Soniccouture’s acclaimed Konkrete Drums series.

NĂ©cessite Live 9 Standard ou au-dessus.



par Ableton

We're giving away a free audio package with new sounds, presets, Instrument Racks and Construction Kits. This is more than just a few audio files. Samplification will kick-start your sampling skills and demonstrate what Sampler is really capable of.

NĂ©cessite Live 9 Suite ou au-dessus.


Cyclic Waves

par Cycling '74

Cyclic Waves is a premium selection of audio loops taken from the Cycling '74 'Cycles' libraries, produced and curated by Sound Library pioneer Ron MacLeod using innovative processing tools from Cycling '74, the makers of Max.

NĂ©cessite Live 9 Standard ou au-dessus.


Unnatural Selection

par Puremagnetik

Unnatural Selection is a collection of Audio Clips and Construction Kits for a diverse number of genres, and includes both beats and melodic components.

NĂ©cessite Live 9 Intro ou au-dessus.


Digicussion 1

par Uppercussion

Digicussion 1 is a versatile library of synthetic drums - great for pouring electronic production, experimental sound design, and all kinds of rhythmic music.

NĂ©cessite Live 9 Intro ou au-dessus.


Designer Drums

par Ableton

Designer Drums is a set of synthesized drums that demonstrate the versatility of Ableton Live 9's instruments and effects.

NĂ©cessite Live 9 Intro ou au-dessus.


Sound Objects Lite

par SonArte

Sound Objects Lite is a collection of sampled percussive and bowed objects chosen for their complex and unusual harmonics.

NĂ©cessite Live 9 Standard ou au-dessus.


Guitar and Bass

par e-instruments

Guitars & Bass brings the sounds of classic electric guitars and basses to Live 9, with multisampled Instruments that capture all the nuances and feel of each instrument.


Digicussion 2

par Uppercussion

Digicussion 2 is a booster shot of synthetic drums for your electronic productions - designed to provide fresh inspiration for your rhythm tracks.

NĂ©cessite Live 9 Standard ou au-dessus.



par Uppercussion

Bomblastic is a Hip Hop drum kit library featuring punchy kicks, cracking snares, crisp claps, powerful percussion, biting shakers, hi-hats, cymbals, toms, and more.

NĂ©cessite Live 9 Standard ou au-dessus.


The Forge

par Hecq

Made in the spirit of experimentation, The Forge by Hecq is a thoroughly modern update on classic IDM and glitch, infused with a healthy dose of cinematic sound-design.

Included with Live 12 Suite.


DM ARP 2600 Drums

par Flatpack

DM ARP 2600 Drums is a free Live Pack consisting of 8 Ableton Drum Racks and 150 original analog percussion sounds sampled from Daniel Miller’s own ARP 2600 modular synthesizer. Extensive controls for real-time sound tweaking and bonus sequence clips are included.


Texture Beats

par Flatpack

Texture Beats provides highly dynamic electronic drum sounds and analog textures. Each drum kit features a unique set of Macro controls for blending in textures and customizing the sound of both the whole kit and individual drum sounds.

USD 59



par Sample Logic

Tronix combines the cinematic depth of animated atmospheres, morphed instruments and electrified percussion with cutting leads, growling basses, and tempo-synced audio loops that forward-thinking producers will appreciate.

USD 99


Electric Pianos

par Soniccouture

Get the authentic sound of the Rhodes Stage 73 and Wurlitzer 200A electric pianos. Carefully sampled at multiple velocities and recorded with vintage equipment for ultra-realistic sound and feel. Comes with 70 Instrument Racks providing all the classic keyboard sounds.

USD 89


Orchestral Ensemble Essentials

par ProjectSAM

Put the power of an orchestra inside Live, with expert multisamples of strings, brass, and woodwinds.

USD 99


Retro Synths 1980s

par Puremagnetik

Featuring a collection of multisampled instruments from classic synths, including the Yamaha DX7, Roland Jupiter series, and more.

USD 49


Synthetik Loops

par Flatpack

Over 500 synthetically generated beats, loops and textures. Hi/Mid/Lo frequency groups, for creative layering.

USD 49



par Sample Logic

Acoustix is a toolkit for cinematic music production, designed exclusively for Ableton Live. It provides a vast selection of morphed acoustic sounds, including organic instruments, bombastic percussives, atmospheric pads and audio loops.

USD 99


Konkrete Drums 1

par Soniccouture

Konkrete Drums 1 is a set of 24 superb drum and percussion kits for Live. It features more than 1300 drum samples ranging from punishing, deep kick drums to delicate, crystalline ticks; from super-fast drilling rolls to atmospheric gongs.

USD 49


Japanese Taiko Percussion

par Sonica

A collection of Japanese taiko sounds that perfectly captures the epic thunder, majesty, and subtlety of these massive traditional drums.

USD 79



par AAS

Journeys is a set of 128 Tension sounds for Ableton Live. This collection is master sound designer Gregory Simpson's endeavor to create sounds that evoke the essence of other times, places or cultures.

USD 39


Tubular Bells

par SonArte

The tubular bells sampled in this collection are from an 18 note vintage Leedy & Ludwig instrument (C4-F5) from the beginning of the 20th century, remarkable for the purity and clarity of its sounds and for the exceptional duration of its sustained notes.

USD 59



par Soniccouture

The Novachord is a gargantuan, entirely tube based, 72-note polyphonic synthesizer with oscillators, filters, VCAs, envelope generators and even frequency dividers. We sampled every one of the 72 notes on this beast - not just once, but over and over, with different settings each time.

USD 79


Studio Grand Uptown

par e-instruments

Uptown captures the tonal quality, transparency and expressiveness of an exceptional concert grand. The piano has been carefully prepared and programmed to reflect the high-quality classical grand piano sound.

USD 99

Software Instruments


par Ableton

Sampler is a sampling instrument that brings powerful multisample playback as well as profound sound design capabilities to Ableton Live.

USD 99


Electronik Drums

par Flatpack

Over 500 synthetically generated drum samples, micro culture and atmospheres plus 10 rare and original drum kits.

USD 49



par Soniccouture

The Guzheng is a traditional Chinese instrument dating from the Qin dynasty (ca. 200 BC). It is the ancestor of the Japanese Koto and several other zither-like instruments found across East Asia.

USD 79



par Soniccouture

The Kim is a type of dulcimer or zither from Thailand and is related to the Chinese yangqin. Sometimes spelled khim, the instrument consists of a flat soundbox with 42 wire strings stretched across in 14 sets of 3. The strings are struck with two thin bamboo mallets with soft leather tips.

USD 39

Software Instruments


par Ableton

Operator is a versatile, easy-to-use and great-sounding software instrument combining classic analog sounds and frequency modulation synthesis, perfectly integrated in Live's award-winning interface.

USD 99


Skiddaw Stones

par Soniccouture

The Skiddaw Stones are probably the most unusual and certainly the oldest instrument that Soniccouture has sampled. A Lithophone (litho=stone, phone=voice) dating from 1840, the Skiddaw Stones are composed of 61 tuned and shaped rocks made from the rare hornfels stone, found in Cumbria, England.

USD 79


Studio Grand Downtown

par e-instruments

Downtown offers the rich tonality and balanced character of a high quality concert grand. This grand piano has been carefully prepared and programmed to provide a more powerful piano sound. The large dynamic range and impact of Downtown is geared towards pop, RnB, hip-hop, jazz and blues productions.

USD 99



par Flatpack

Sound-scapes, pads and textures. Scope is dark, disturbing, and atmospheric; perfectly avant-garde.

USD 49

Software Instruments


par Ableton

Amp is a physically modeled audio effect that emulates the timeless tones of seven classic guitar amps.

USD 99



par Sample Logic

Metalix is a toolkit for cinematic music production, designed exclusively for Ableton Live. It provides morphed metallic instruments, percussive sounds, atmospheric soundscapes, pads and tempo-synced audio loops.

USD 99



par Soniccouture

A Tingklik is a bamboo percussion instrument from Bali. It's often used for "Rindik" music, so is sometimes referred to as a Rindik itself. Rindik music usually involves two Tingklik players and a single Suling (bamboo flute).

USD 49


Crystal Sounds

par SonArte

The Crystal Sounds collection is composed of two main instruments: a Cristal Baschet--a "sonorous sculpture" with a truly unique and haunting timbre, and a large variety of crystal glasses.

USD 89


Studio Grand East Village

par e-instruments

East Village represents the handcrafted quality of a legendary concert grand. This piano has been carefully prepared and programmed to provide a particularly characteristic sound, which has been favored by many producers and is instantly recognizable.

USD 99

Software Instruments


par Ableton

Tension is a physical modeling string synthesizer capable of creating incredibly accurate reproductions of real stringed instruments or otherworldly hybrids.

USD 99


Pan Drum

par Soniccouture

The Hang is a steel, disk-shaped, harmonically tuned percussion instrument that's played with the hands. It's incredibly sensitive and dynamic; the entire disk resonates at a central frequency as your hands move around the edge, teasing the notes out.

USD 79



par Puremagnetik

MachineKits is a high-quality library of multi-sampled vintage drum machines, including a massively nuanced set capturing the quality of MFB Modular analog drums, plus quirky classics like the Acetone Rhythm Ace, Simmons SDS and more.

USD 39


Sound Objects

par SonArte

Sound Objects is a unique collection of sampled objects typically found in a hardware store, including saw blades, joist hangers, ABS and metal plumbing pipes, ceramic tiles, metal sheets, gardening forks, ground plates, metal rods, electrical boxes and the like.

USD 89


Orchestral Mallets

par Ableton

Captures the true essence of symphonic percussion instruments in pristine quality. Features vibraphone, marimba, xylophone, crotales, glockenspiel, tubular bells, cymbals and timpani with a variety of articulations.

USD 129


Synthi AKS

par Soniccouture

The EMS Synthi AKS is a legendary instrument with an illustrious history. First manufactured in 1972 by EMS in Putney, southwest London, the Synthi A was basically a portable version of EMS's famous VCS3 synthesizer, and the KS keyboard (an unplayable thirty-note touchplate) was added to make the Synthi AKS.

USD 59



par Soniccouture

Soniccouture and Ableton present a unique take on a most unusual mallet percussion instrument. Named after the Greek god of dreams, the Freenotes Morpheus is a modular metallic instrument consisting of a series of metal bars, each attached to its own resonator

USD 79


Bowed Piano

par Soniccouture

What happens when you take a perfectly good instrument–one that's been around for hundreds of years–and completely rethink it? The bowed piano technique involves flexible bows made from monofilament nylon fishing line, coated in rosin.

USD 79


Orchestral Strings

par Ableton

A comprehensive selection of naturally rich and dynamic stringed instruments. Features solo and ensemble violin, viola, cello and double bass, all recorded in their natural positions within the orchestra, complete with a number of articulations.

USD 159


Solid Sounds

Features loops and presets in a variety of musical styles for all Live/Live Intro users.


Balinese Gamelan

par Soniccouture

Sampling the unique, magical sound of a Balinese Gamelan is no small undertaking. The 25 instruments that make up The London Symphony Orchestra's Semara Dana Gamelan Ensemble had to be recorded in great detail, as if each were to be a sample library in its own right.

USD 79

Software Instruments


par Ableton

Analog emulates the unique circuitry and irresistible tweakability of vintage analog synthesizers. Able to produce everything from silky pad sweeps to earth-shaking bass.

USD 99


Orchestral Woodwinds

par Ableton

Delivers a variety of clear and vibrant wind instruments. Features solo and ensemble flute, clarinet, bassoon, oboe and English horn with a broad selection of articulations.

USD 159

Software Instruments


par Ableton

Electric offers the sounds of classic electric pianos through physical modeling synthesis, allowing you to dive inside and play with the guts of the instrument.

USD 99


Mad Beatz

par KJ Sawka

A loop library produced exclusively for Ableton by KJ Sawka. Includes drum loops, bass and melodic loops, Ableton groove templates and MIDI grooves recorded by KJ Sawka.



par Flatpack

Diverse and emotive ambient textures that are otherworldly, cinematic, bizarre, peculiar, eerie, and lush.

USD 39


Abstrakt Breaks 1

par Soniccouture

Abstrakt Breaks 1 is a superb collection of complex, exciting hi-tech drum loops, which are ideal for producers of Electronica, IDM, Glitch, Industrial and Film soundtracks. Produced and mastered at 24 bit, the sparkling-sharp sound ensures you have a full frequency range to shape and mould into your productions.

USD 49


Orchestral Brass

par Ableton

A thorough set of vivid and colorful brass instruments. Features solo and ensemble French horn, trombone, trumpet and tuba, with a unique set of articulations in multiple section sizes.

USD 159


Konkrete Drums 2

par Soniccouture

Konkrete Drums 2 is the next level in electronic drums, offering 25 full kits, each unique, and each spanning 61 notes of the keyboard to give unparalleled variety, texture and impact.

USD 49


eBow Guitar

par Soniccouture

The eBow (energy bow), is a small, hand-held device that "bows" the strings of a guitar using an electromagnetic field. It produces a unique guitar sound, with a very slow attack and infinite sustain.

USD 59



par Soniccouture

Tremors is a stunning collection of dark, paranoid, funky and downright unclassifiable drum loops. Ranging from 65 bpm to 150 bpm, the tempos shift, double up on themselves, and then turn themselves inside out.

USD 59


Abstrakt Breaks 2

par Soniccouture

Abstrakt Breaks 2 is from our hi-tech drum loop series. Ideal for producers of electronica, IDM, glitch, D'n'B, industrial and film soundtracks, this collection builds on the new ground broken by Abstrakt Breaks 1.

USD 49

Software Instruments


par Ableton

Collision is a unique physical modeling instrument for authentic mallet sounds and creative percussion.

USD 99


Latin Percussion

par Ableton

Latin Percussion is a collection of acoustic percussion instruments such as congas, bongos, timbales, claves, shakers, tambourines and bells from the worlds of Brazilian, Afro-Cuban and African music.

USD 59