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Carles Reixach

  • Gérone Espagne

Carles is an electronic music and soundtrack artist, producer, and Dj, as well as being the CEO, and an experienced teacher of Live and Push, at the Eumes Advanced Music & Sound School.

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Catalan, Anglais, Espagnol
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Carles has been producing and composing soundtracks since 2003. When he discovered Live in 2007, he moved into the electronic music scene and started to produce and play, using Live, in some of the best clubs in Barcelona and Ibiza.

In 2004 Carles started teaching at a university, where he remained until 2012, when he founded Eumes, an advanced music production and sound school, with his crew.

Eumes has been in a unique collaboration with the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) for 4 years. Eumes teaches everything related to music, sound, and music business. Carles’ classes include Music Production with Live, Ableton Live Performance, and Advanced Music Production with Ableton Live. Class sizes range from one-to-one sessions up to 30 students per class.

Remarque: les formateurs certifiés Ableton et les Centres de Formation Certifiés Ableton sont des entités ou entreprises privées et ne constituent ni des employés ni des agents d'Ableton. Ils ne sont pas administrés par Ableton AG, Ableton Inc. ou Ableton KK. Les formateurs et les centres sont seuls responsables de leurs propres offres de cours et de leurs programmes. Ableton n'assume aucune responsabilité pour les actions des formateurs ou des centres.