Helado Negro on Sampling, Surroundings and Deep Listening
Helado Negro talks about finding inspiration in his environment, his love of experimentation and the importance of deep listening on the Doing Music podcast.
Helado Negro talks about finding inspiration in his environment, his love of experimentation and the importance of deep listening on the Doing Music podcast.
Proudly DIY YouTube sensation Cavetown describes the motivations behind his distinctive, disarmingly honest songs.
Entretien avec MUNA, le trio queer-pop qui a produit plusieurs tubes irrévérencieux et pleins de vie depuis 2016 et a tourné avec Harry Styles et Taylor Swift.
Water From Your Eyes discuss how they use microtonal tunings and ideas from serialist composition to write the ‘beautifully ugly’ songs on their album Everyone’s Crushed.
Australian artist Gordi reveals the process behind her second album, Our Two Skins
Montreal-based trio Braids discuss lyricism, synthesis, and taking an album from studio to stage. Free download included.