Téléchargez le Set Live de "Neon Oracle", le nouveau morceau de Polygonia
L'artiste munichoise Polygonia nous parle de la fabrication de son morceau "Neon Oracle" et de ses approches multidisciplinaires de la création musicale.
L'artiste munichoise Polygonia nous parle de la fabrication de son morceau "Neon Oracle" et de ses approches multidisciplinaires de la création musicale.
Aril Brikha dévoile le processus créatif derrière ton tube de techno de Detroit des années 1990 "Groove la Chord" et sa recréation dans Live et Note.
Découvrez comment George FitzGerald se sert d'Ableton Live pour insuffler de la vie dans les sons de son tout nouvel album.
Check out STRANJAH’s detail-focused approach to crafting perfect grooves, lush melodic layers, and driving drum & bass arrangements.
Watch Tom Cosm layer buzzing neurobass over hard-hitting drums as he crafts a dynamic, richly textured arrangement for a drum and bass track.
All You Need Is Live presents two tutorial videos looking at specific features in Ableton Live’s Wavetable device.
Andri Søren explores the new updates to Push with Live 11 – including polyphonic aftertouch, probability tools and more
Berlin-based house and techno producer Eluize lifts the lid on her creative process, with a free Live set download to see how she works.
Sound designer Richard Veenstra outlines 10 tips to make your pad sounds stand out. Audio examples included.
Out now: Live 10.1 gives you new tools and features to accelerate your creative process, from making and shaping sound to editing and finalizing your music.
Coming soon: Live 10.1 expands the possibilities for making and shaping sound, as well as improving key features for editing and finalizing music.
Ableton Live 10 video tutorial with Sonic State and Certified Trainer Simon Stokes building a track from scratch with the Wavetable synthesizer.
Learn all about the new Wavetable synth in Ableton Live 10 with a history of wavetable synthesis and interviews with the instruments’ designers.