Playpad Circus: Drums & Samples on Push

In our newest Push video, Berlin-beatmaker Playpad Circus puts our instrument through its paces, showing the ins and outs of Drum Mode. Not content just with showing how it’s done, he’s also given us the Rack he used to give to you for free.
First of all, check out the video as he whips up a banger of a track in a minute and a half using just a handful of sounds and Push’s real-time step-sequencing and automation abilities. Keep your eyes and ears peeled for his nudging the timing of individual sounds, applying swing and varying velocity. They’re all instantly tweakable directly from Push, and you can see our man Playpad put them all to highly effective use here.
You can also download the whole track from Playpad Circus’ Soundcloud. Download the Rack (requires Live 9.1.2) containing all the individual sounds and make your own Push composition. We’d love to hear what you come up with – so be sure to share your tracks with us using #MadeWithPush on Facebook or Twitter.
Watch more videos about playing in Drum Mode and other Push techniques