ELPHNT’s Favorite Free Max for Live Devices: Part Two

Ableton Certified Trainer Thomas Glendinning, aka ELPHNT, has continued his series of videos sharing the best free Max for Live devices available on maxforlive.com and beyond. Here are his latest videos, containing six devices to help you create new tones, textures and rhythms, and make better production decisions.
In case you missed it, take a look at our first roundup of ELPHNT’s free Max for Live videos to find six more devices to add to your collection.
To use these devices you’ll need Max for Live. If you don’t already have it you can try it out by downloading the free 30-day trial version of Live 10, which includes Max for Live.
First up, add tuned harmonics to your percussive loops with Live’s Resonators device. Then use Bug Compass’ bcResonCtrl device to turn Resonators into a playable instrument.
Download bcResonCtrl here.
Based on granular synthesis, GrainFreeze allows you to freeze audio, turning any sound into a lush, shimmery soundscape.
Download GrainFreeze here.
Parameter Sequencers
This video demonstrates three different parameter sequencer devices – Octoseq Modulator, Stepper and 3X Parameter Sequencer. Use them to create variation and exciting rhythmic modulations in both percussive and melodic parts.
Download Octoseq Modulator, Stepper and 3X Parameter Sequencer.
Volume Compensator
A practical device for making good production decisions – Volume Compensator adjusts the gain of any effects or processors you use, so you can get a more accurate picture of how they’re affecting the tone and colour of your work.