Tutorial movie archive
To download movie files, please right-click (PC) or control-click (Mac) the desired link and select "Save Target as" or "Download Link to Disk."
Please note: The following movies feature the full version of Live. See the feature comparison.

A Tour of Live
An introduction to Ableton Live.Watch .mov (41MB), Download for iPod (24MB)

Compression and Sidechaining
An introduction to compression and sidechaining.Watch .mov (45MB), Download for iPod (28MB)

Ableton's "Drum Rack" streamlines beat production via an easy drag-and-drop interface and brings endless creative possibilities.Watch (47 MB)

Audio aufnehmen
So nehmen Sie in Live Audio auf.Video ansehen (41MB)

So wenden Sie in Live Software-Instrumente und MIDI an.Video ansehen (33MB)

Creating Beats in Live 7
Mit Impulse, Lives Drum-Sampler, können Sie Beats zerschneiden, bearbeiten und programmieren.Video ansehen (52MB)

Improvisation mit Loops
Improvisation in Lives Session-AnsichtVideo ansehen (43MB)

Uninterrupted Creative Flow
Record, mix, match and add effects without ever stopping the music.Watch .mov (26MB), Download for iPod (19MB)

Defy the Timeline
Freely improvise musical structure instead of constructing it.Watch .mov (21MB), Download for iPod (12MB)

No Idea Lost
Effortlessly build and browse your library of musical ideas.Watch .mov (14MB), Download for iPod (10MB)

Beat Repeat
Robert Henke explains the details of Live 5's innovative Beat Repeat effect in this video.Watch (19MB)

Sampler Movie
Take a closer look at Sampler.Watch .mov (34MB), Download for iPod (24MB)

Robert Makes Rain
Watch Robert simulate natural reverb with effects chains and sends.Watch .mov (22MB), Watch .wmv (12MB)