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Ableton User Group, Toulouse

You're invited to join the Ableton User Group in Toulouse for a workshop on June 27th. Toulouse user group leader Bruno Andrieu will lead the workshop, in which he will discuss clip envelopes and how to use them, routing in Live 7 and Live 8, creating and using effects racks, synchronizing several machines with Live, using control surfaces, and many of the new features of Live 8. Bruno will illustrate the concepts with plenty of helpful examples.

Bruno has taught Ableton Live for more than three years. He is a performer and DJ in his spare time, and he regularly collaborates on various projects with artists such as Fred Falke, Guts and Sayem. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet Bruno, and the workshop will be followed by a cocktail mix provided by DJ Fab from ToulouZ.

Saturday, June 27, 2009, 3:00 - 7:00 pm

Pub "Le Mix"
56, rue des Blanchers, 31000 Toulouse

15 EUR

For more information, please contact: